"Art--like morality--consists in drawing the line somewhere." -G.K Chesterton
Thursday, August 2, 2018
You can because this cover is awesome.
Someone somewhere once said that you can't judge a book by its cover--to which Mary Stuart Masterson as Watts in Some Kind of Wonderful responded, "Yeah, but you can tell how much it's gonna cost ya."
All of that is apropos of nothing, except that I needed some kind of opener for this post.
Altruism in Gophers is my newly published novel and it is available on (nearly) all of Amazon's marketplaces in both paperback and Kindle ebook. This is the result of my sweat and tears (literally, it is really hot in here these days, you guys.) It is the culmination of three years of work! A novel of ideas, as my editor declared! The best book not about gophers you will ever read--which if you think about it, is quite the claim. While you're at it, admire this fine, fine cover art by Cody Andreasen.
Not convinced? You Philistine! Watch this space and I might just post an excerpt or two.
And, so on...
And yes, that is a bomb sticking out of a backpack worn by a gopher in aviator sunglasses. You're welcome.
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